A research study on the leisure and social activities people are most interested in this Summer.
This Spring and Summer 2023, despite being cash-strapped, people in Ireland want to reassert a level of control in their lives and enjoy experiences either by themselves or with others.
People are prioritising what is important to them and there is a significant proportion of people who have already made firm plans for Spring and Summer.
Research on Experiences.
Core Research interviewed 1,000 adults in March 2023 about their plans for Spring and Summer. Respondents were asked about 23 possible experiences across four categories. Analysis was conducted based on demographics as well as attitudes related to cost of living, and social factors.

“I am looking forward to new experiences
this Spring and Summer.”
— 69% of adults living in Ireland
Based on analysis of perceived value and need to budget, our map of experiences allows us to see which activities across 23 experiences are viewed as being of greatest value to people (from bottom to top) and of greatest cost to people (need to budget), from left to right.
As the map illustrates, overnight travel (home or abroad) is unsurprisingly viewed as having the highest budget need but also the most valued experience.
However, close to this high value is reading, visiting a beach or a walk outdoors. These have high value with low cost, and are deemed as significant experience substitutes for other higher cost activities.

The full report is available to read and download today.