Core wins ‘Investors in Diversity Gold’ from the Irish Centre for Diversity.
Core’s Inclusion and Diversity group - back row: Stuart Matthews, Therese Prendiville, Catherine Fitzgibbon, Laura Mohan, and Alexander Glover. Front row: Aidan Greene, Barry Bedford, Jill Downey, Caroline Tyler (MD at Irish Centre for Diversity), Sarthak Sharma, and Alexander Glover.
Core, Ireland’s largest marketing communications company has attained the prestigious Investors in Diversity Gold accreditation mark from the Irish Centre for Diversity (ICFD). Core is one of only six organisations in Ireland to hold Investors in Diversity Gold. Having previously been twice awarded with Silver accreditations, this is in recognition of Core’s extensive inclusion and diversity programmes and of its commitment to ongoing evaluation and improvement.
The Irish Centre for Diversity aims to transform workplace practices and culture into ones that foster greater inclusion. Supported by Ibec, Core’s Investors in Diversity Gold status is Ireland’s premier all-encompassing diversity and inclusion accreditation mark.
As part of the process, Core evaluated how it could improve existing practices, seeking out detailed feedback from team members across the business, while also focusing on ways in which the communications company can make a difference in marketing and its role in shaping culture.
Core has specially developed a ‘Creative Framework’ which approaches the development of advertising campaigns with an inclusion and diversity lens. The framework is a process and way of working which ensures the strongest representation of all societal groups within advertising campaigns. These campaigns produced by Core, in collaboration with client’s brands, have the potential to make a difference in how the public perceives inclusion and diversity within society.
“We are delighted to receive the Gold accreditation mark from the Irish Centre for Diversity, but this isn’t the finish line, it will only push us further to make a greater impact.
Our dedicated team behind the inclusion and diversity programme at Core has been committed to leading the way in marketing communications and in particular we hope our Creative Framework will make an impact in how different people and groups are represented in marketing and in advertising campaigns. The framework has already made a significant difference since its adoption last year and this is evident in our work for the likes of HSE, The National Lottery, CSO, AsIAm and Sky”
“Core and their team have demonstrated to the Irish Centre for Diversity that they are focused on making a difference and we are really pleased to see them progress to Gold this year.
Representation in marketing communications plays a vital role in setting expectations of each other in our society. Creating more inclusive and diverse advertising and marketing campaigns will have a significant impact on this. We look forward to working with Core and other organisations who see the benefit and importance of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.”
Recently, Core worked with As I Am, Ireland's National Autism Charity. As part of World Autism Month, the ‘Same Chance’ campaign from AsIAm, developed with Core, asked for support to help the charity give the same chance to the 1 in 65 people in Ireland who are Autistic, and their families.