Core launches Working With Cancer policy.
Nicola Gillen, Noel Martyn, Sheila Fonseca, Conor Hughes, Aisling Campbell and Nick Fletcher
This week, Core launched their Working with Cancer policy. According to the Irish Cancer Society, an estimated 44,000 people in Ireland get cancer each year. The National Cancer Registry projects that one in two people in Ireland will develop cancer during their lifetime, and therefore most people will be impacted by cancer during their working life.
Core’s policy was launched at a special panel discussion between team members who have been impacted by cancer. The panellists shared experiences of how cancer has impacted their lives and the importance of support networks during this challenging time. Many spoke about their experience of how the culture of Core has provided compassionate support, but how the policy reduces the stigma of cancer providing “the choice to talk about it or not,” while “encouraging you to focus completely on what matters – getting well.”
Noel Martyn, Sheila Fonseca, Conor Hughes, Aisling Campbell and Nick Fletcher
In 2022, research carried out by Publicis UK discovered that up to 50% of those diagnosed with cancer are reluctant to tell their employers. Core has signed the #WorkingWithCancer pledge to reduce the stigma around cancer diagnosis. In addition, the Working With Cancer policy ensures there are practical company supports and a culture of compassion.
Supports include upgrading of private health insurance, nutritional support, laundry services and post-operative home help. The policy also ensures time-off for appointments, flexible working arrangements and all aspects of a gradual return to work.
Core encourage managers to support their team members when they are out on long term sick leave by agreeing boundaries and communication lines from the very start. Managers also recommend checking in with team members if appropriate, where the employee has consented.
Working With Cancer policy launch event at Core, 1WML
“Core has always operated a policy of transparency and support and we continue to put the needs of employees and welfare above all else. The Working with Cancer policy is one of many of our policies which supports our team during moments of life that can be challenging. We hope that this will not only reduce the stigma around a cancer diagnosis, but also provide tangible and practical support for our team members.”