Consumer Mindset Report - February 2023
Informed by the Ireland’s Consumer Sentiment Index, this report reveals how people are responding to rising inflation in Ireland.

Irish consumer confidence continues on a cautious but positive path in February
Consumer Sentiment Index

Two in five people will celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2023
4 in 5 people feel Valentine’s Day has become too commercialised.
3 in 5 people feel Valentine’s Day is too focused on loved up couples.

HEALTH 23 Research Report
Core Research’s annual report on fitness, food and well-being.

Irish consumer sentiment starts 2023 on a stronger note
Consumer Sentiment Index

Consumer Mindset Report - January 2023
Informed by the Ireland’s Consumer Sentiment Index, this report reveals how people are responding to rising inflation in Ireland.

Consumer Mindset Report - December 2022
Informed by the Ireland’s Consumer Sentiment Index, this report reveals how people are responding to rising inflation in Ireland.

Improved sentiment reading suggests Christmas bringing some relief to Irish consumers
Consumer Sentiment Index



Consumer Mindset Report - November 2022
Informed by the Ireland’s Consumer Sentiment Index, this report reveals how people are responding to rising inflation in Ireland.

Job worries weigh on sentiment but Irish consumers still planning a reasonable if restrained Christmas spend.
Consumer Sentiment Index

Consumer Mindset Report - October 22
Informed by Core’s Consumer Sentiment Index and Cultural Index, this research reveals 2022 Q1 Consumer Behaviours

September 2022 - Consumer Mindset
September Consumer Mindset report available to download.

What do consumers expect from your brand online?
A research report on the expectations consumers have on businesses selling online.

July 2022 - Consumer Mindset
With concern about the cost-of-living situation high, and optimism about overcoming the crisis low, this month’s report looks at balancing budgets, sentiment and expectations.

Role of Health and Wellbeing in Employee Engagement
A report on the role of health and well-being in employee engagement. Research conducted by Core.

June 2022 - Consumer Mindset
Inflation is at its fastest rate of increase since 1984 and nearly two-thirds of the adult population are now “very” or “extremely concerned” about it.

May 2022 - Consumer Mindset